Monday, September 30, 2019

Theory of Occupational Therapy

OT is the art (because it is very individualized) and science of enabling engagment in everyday living, through occupation; of enabling people to perform the occupations that foster healsth and well-being; and of enabling a just and inclusive society (things that are done to advocate on their behalf in world of education, funding etc. ) so that lal peopl emay participate to their potential in the dialy occupations of life.OT is the art (because it is very individualized) and science of enabling engagment in everyday living, through occupation; of enabling people to perform the occupations that foster healsth and well-being; and of enabling a just and inclusive society (things that are done to advocate on their behalf in world of education, funding etc. ) so that lal peopl emay participate to their potential in the dialy occupations of life.Theory of Ocupational Therapy OT is very client- centered: how the individual defines the activity is what is important Hisotry of OT Early 1900s: there was a shift toward understanding that it was important to be healthy and happy- started mostly in mental health (started in mental asylems with occupational aids) realized that when there were given jobs and were meaningfullly occupied they got better quickerDunton 1919: occupation is as necessary to life as food and drink; every human being should have both physical and mental occupations; all should have occupations which they engoy, or hobbies; sick minds, sick bodies and sick souls may be healthed thru occupation – thus ocupation was defined as both the domain of concern and the theapeutic medium of occupational therapyWWI: Diversional therapy: to divert attention away from injury and illness The war lsted much longer – so many more disbled than had anticipated, found that diverting attention away from their physial problems really helped them War-aids: the early Ots, helped adapt activities for soldiers to participate in society (worked mostly with individu als who had a loss of limb) 0s- 90s: Therapeutic shift : curative potential of actibities not occupation Enablement of meaningful occupation: focus on occupational roles in society First Canadian occupational therapy guidelines on client-centred practice did not refer to occupation – but rather to the â€Å"therapeutic use of activity’ Present: focusing on enablement of meaningful occupation: focus on occupational roles in society – not just about giving people something to doOccupation Groups of activities and tasks of everydy life, named, organized and given meaning by individuals and a culture, It iseverything people do to occupy themselves, including looking after themselves (self-care0, enjouing life (leisure), and contributing to the social and economic fabric of their communities (productivity) Shows that it is more than work – they are human activities or tasks organized to fulfil a particular function OccupationGroups of activities and tasks of everydy life, named, organized and given meaning by individuals and a culture, It iseverything people do to occupy themselves, including looking after themselves (self-care0, enjouing life (leisure), and contributing to the social and economic fabric of their communities (productivity) Shows that it is more than work – they are human activities or tasks organized to fulfil a particular function Definitions Enabling occupation:OT is necessary when solutions to engagement in the occupations of everyday living become a challenge, or are at risk of becoming a challenge; when solutions to performing or engaging in desired occupations become difficult Collaborating with people to choose, organize and perform occupations which people find useful or meaningful in a given environment Engage: doing or participating, draw into, involve others, involve oneself, becomes occupiedTask: set of purposeful activities in which a person engages i. e writing a report Activity: basic unit of a tas k, singular pursuit that contributes to the completion of a task Occupation is braoder than either of these as it encompasses more than one task, while tasks encompass more than one activity Key Features of Occupations: 1) Affects Health 2) organize time and brings structure to life 3) brings meaning to life ) are idiosyncratic – very individualized occupations can also be maladaptive- risky, unhealthy, illegal and illicit – eg. Smoking Basic Human Need Dundons credo about occupation demonstrates how occupation is a basic human need Occupations provide people with a flow experience: demands of an occuption are in harmony with the skills of the person and the environment in which the occupation is performed Determinants of HealthHealth is viewed as more than the absence of disease and is infuenced by what people do in everyday life In 20th century occupation was discovered to have a motivating effect on wonded soldiers coming home from war Alma Ata Declaration of Health for All by the Year 2000 made clear that health depends on people having meaninful occupations which provide them with housing, empoyment, community and enjoymentSource of meaning Psychological motivation and volition are dependent on people finding meaning in the occupations that comprise their everyday life The meaning of an occupation is individual and culturally determined Meaning differs from purpose in occupation – can be meaninful to person/ group without any identifiable purpose Source of PurposeThere is no universal classification of the purpose of occupation Canadian therapist defined 3 main purposes 1) self care, 2) productivity, and 3) leisure But it is relly determined by individual needs and desires within an environmental context Athough classification is arbitrary it offs a convenient and manageable way of explaing occupation to clients, professionals , also helps prompt Ots to think about the full range of occupations in a life Source of Choice and Control C ontrol is more than choice.People may make choices about their occupations but have little control to act on choices. There is an element of personal control when people show persistence or find creative ways of following up on their choices. Contol is dependent on opportunities provided by the environment Source of Balance and Satisfaction Balance refers to the pattern of occupation over days or years Personal views of balance are influenced by cultrual and other environmental expectations Descriptor Occupation can be used as a descriptor of hman behaviours to provide new perspectivesabout occupation Occupational: . Behaviour: aspect or class of human action that encompasses mental and physical doing 2. Competence: adequacy or sufficency in an occupational skill, meeting all requirements of an environment 3. Dvelopmetn: gradual change in occupational behaviour over time, resulting from the growth and maturation of the individual in interaction with the environment 4. Performance: t he actual execution or carrying out of an occupation 5. Function: usual or required occupations of an individual Person * Believe in worth of all persons – holistic view New Canadian Model of Occupational Performance presents the person as integrated whole who incorporatses spirituality, social and cultural experiences, and observable occupational performance Spirituality (uniquely and truly human) * Has always been important in canadian OT – early badge that Ots ware depicted inegration of mind, body and spirtit * Recognizes inrinsic value and respecting their beliefs, values and goals, regardless of ability, age or other characteristics – * Consideration of S is a way of developing a clear appreciation for the uniqueness of each person in the occupational therapist-person relationshipPerformance * OT has traditionally attended to the performacne components which contribute to successful engagement in occupation * 3 performance componants include: 1. affective: the domain that comprises social and emotional functions and includes both interpersonal and intrapersonal factors 2. cognitive (thinking): the domain that comprises all mental functions both cognitive and intellectual, and includes, among other things, perception, concentration memory etc 3. physical (doing: the domain that comprises all seonsory, motor and sensorimotor functions occupational performance the result of a dynamic relationship between eprsons, environment and occupation * refers to the ability to choose and satisfactorily perform meaninful occupations that are cultrually defined, and appropriate for looking after one’s self, enjoying life, and contributing to the social ad economic fabric in a community * represents the actual execution or carrying out of occupation and is the experience of a person engaged in ocupation within an environment * person-environment congruence suggests the interdependence f humans and environment – this helps ensure optimal occupational performanceOccupational Life Course: A developmental Perspective * An enlarging spiral diagram shows ones cumulative experience in occupational performance grows over time, even if the number and diversity of occupations diminishes because of aging, disability, enviro, etc. * Occupational development may result in increasing complexity in some occupations but not thers; development of self-care occupations may advance more quickly than development in productivity occupations; or leisure may be omitted when self care and productivity are overwhelming Client Centred Practice: Theme of being client centred in OT emerged in the early 1980s * CC practice refers to collaborative appraochs aimed t enabling occupation with clients who may be individuals, gorups, agencies, governments, corporations or others. Ots demonstrate respect for clients, involve clients indecision making, adocate with and for clients in meeting clients’ needs, and otherwise recognize clients†™ experience and knowledge CC practice refers to collaborative appraochs aimed t enabling occupation with clients who may be individuals, gorups, agencies, governments, corporations or others.Ots demonstrate respect for clients, involve clients indecision making, adocate with and for clients in meeting clients’ needs, and otherwise recognize clients’ experience and knowledge Started to emerge in the 1940s-mid 1960s – started in social work * Underlying theme is recognition of the autonomy of the indiviudal person even though persons are understood to be interdependent in their environment * It represents an ethical stance by occupational therapists based on democratic ideas of empowerment and justiceClient: individuals who may have occupational problems arising from medical conditions, transitional difficulties, or environmental barriesr, or clients may be organizations hat influence the occupational performance of particular groups or populations Translated i nto practice through proccess of enablement: clients are participents in occupational therapy Recognizes that people are active participants in occupational performance, whereas teatment and caregiving forms of helping are applied to people who are dependent on their helperEnabling: refers to processes of facilitating, guiding, coaching, educating, prompting, listening, reflecting, encouraging, or otherwise collaborating with people so that individuals, groups and agencies or organizations have the means and opportnity to participate in shaing their own lives. Guiding Principles for Enabling Occupation in Client-centred Practice * Base practive on client values, meaning and choice as much as possible * Listen to clients visions * Facilitaite processes for clients envisioning what might be possible * Support clients to examine risks/ consequences Support them to succeed, but also to risk and fail * Respect their own syles of coping or bringing about change * Guide clients to identify needs from their own perspective * Facilitiate clients to choose outcomes that they define as meaninful even if OT doesnt agree * Encourage and actively facilitate clients to participate in decision-making partnership in tharpy, programme planning, and policy formation * Provide info that will answer clients questions in making choices * Offer services that do not overwhelm clients with beuraucracy * Foster open, clear communication Invite them to use their strengths and natural cummunity supports CMOP-E Canadian Model of Ocupational Performance and Engagemet Occupational performance is the relationship between persons, enviro and ocuupation over persons lifespan It refers to the ability to choose, organize, and satisfacotily perform meaningful occupations that are culturally defined and age appropriate for looking after ones’s self, enjoying life, and contribuint to the social and economic fabric of a community The CMOP graphically illustrates an occupational thereapy persp ective on the dynamic relationship between persons, environment and occupation of all ersons Occupation occurs between person and environment Everytime you see a new client you need to think about all the different parts of the * Person – (inner circle) The person in the middle converys Ots cient-cenred perspective, attends to the individuals occupational needs in his/her specific environment * spirituality (drive- essence) , * physical (strength, ROM, paralysis) * cognitive * affective (mood, mental health side) * Occupation (middle circle) * Selfcare * Productivity * Leisure * Environment (idea that occupation occurs in an environment) (outer circle) * Social Cultural (stigma based on religious view etc. – culture of university/ family) * Institutional (policies, guidelines and practices about what can/can’t do) * Physical (accessibility) Back to first example: Competence- actual or potential ability to engage in occupation * Ex. If you arent a good cook you t end to do other things (frozen/ other person cooks) tend to not continue to do things that you arent good at Deprivation: prevented from taking part in occupation * Very important Development: gradual change in occupational behaviour How do people shape and evolve into the occupational couse of their lives Identity: how you see yourself related to occupational roles * Big part of how we see ourselves Pattern: predictable way of doing occupation PRACTICE Client vs. patient * Individuals are routinely called patients because they need to be taken care of (mainly in acute care) not a lot of choice in decision making Client-centred Practice In OT because you take into consideration what is important to YOU * Collaborative relationship with clients * Clients as active participants in therapy * Client is at the centre of practice Respect for client wishes, goals, and differences Occupational Issues: Clearly distinct from symptoms – not depression, cognition etc Occupational issues BECAUSE of the health issue ‘challenges to occupational engagment†¦ ex/ if you have left sided weakness an occupational issue may be writing, dressing Occupational Performance Issue: Someone with a head injury where there is no physical change – but could be difference in organization Prioritizing OPIs If someone has a head injury and you make a list of all the things you are wondering about – and they confirm that they are effecting them – then you have to prioritize How do you prioritize Find out what is really important to the client * What is safe * Limitations †¢ 35 female Karen married with 2 kids aged 6 and 3 teaches JK, has SCI, uses manual wheelchair ? 10 Possible OPIs? †¢ Child Care ? †¢ Cooking? †¢ Active playing with Kids? †¢ Driving to work? †¢ Changing baby diapers? †¢ Intimacy with Spouse ? †¢ Cleaning ? †¢ Transfers? †¢ Hygiene ? †¢ Social Activities Limited ? o 2 Priority OPIs? â € ¢ Child Care? †¢ Hygiene ? o Treatment for OPIs Using Occupation/Activity ? †¢ Child Care ? Policy change to increase social support? †¢ Hygiene? Shower Seat

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bel Canto Historical Analysis

Historical Analysis In Ann Patchett’s Bel Canto, the setting is reflected off of the Lima Crisis, otherwise known as the Japanese embassy hostage crisis, which began on December 17, 1996. Bel Canto is a story on the events that happen in the house of a South American country’s vice president. It portrays the relationships of the characters and their feelings toward one another as well as explains the hostage situation. In the Japanese embassy hostage crisis, similar events took place, such as the actual overtake of a mansion which contained high-ranking military officials and others of a high social standing.Both settings deal with the releasing of hostages in exchange for demands that were never met, which led to the resolution of both the Lima crisis and Patchett’s Bel Canto. Bel Canto reflects the historical Japanese embassy hostage crisis, although Bel Canto has a third person omniscient point of view of the occurrences on the inside of the mansion. Bel Canto imitates the incidences of the Japanese embassy hostage crisis.The Japanese embassy hostage crisis was a 126 day hostage crisis where members of a revolutionary movement known as the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement had taken over 600 hostages, a decent amount of which were high ranked military officials and other well-known ambassadors. The MRTA, led by Nestor Cerpa, took over the highly fortified residence of the Japanese ambassador. Cerpa proclaimed that he would release any of his hostages who weren’t involved with the Peruvian government, and they did so. The MRTA eventually release all the captives except 72 men.The original plan of this takeover was to change the ways of the government. In Bel Canto, although the terrorists originally came to take the president, they were a rebellious group from the country and wanted changes in the government. The rebels demanded a few things in return for the safety of the hostages. They requested â€Å"The release of their membe rs from prison; a revision of the government’s neoliberal free market reforms, and they protested against the cruel and inhumane conditions of Peru’s jails† (Japanese embassy hostage crisis).In Bel Canto, the rebels have demands as well: ‘The terrorists having no chance to get what they came for, decided to take something else instead, something they never in their lives knew they wanted until they crouched in the low, dark shaft of the air-conditioning vents: opera. They decided to take that very thing for which Mr. Hosakawa lived. ‘(71). Both terrorists wanted demands out of their seizures of the mansions. In both Bel Canto and in the Japanese crisis, a Red Cross official was the ‘negotiator. He attempted to setup a barter system to which the terrorists would get supplies so long as they give hostages back in return. In the Japanese crisis, Luis Cipriani had worked on getting a deal that would allow the terrorists to be let go into Cuba as exi les. This negotiation failed, as did some of the consultations from Bel Canto. Messner, the negotiator, attempts to make several negotiations with the terrorists, throughout the novel. Although both mediators do try to work the situations out with the rebels, they are not able to meet the standards of the negotiations.In the end of both Bel Canto and the Japanese embassy hostage crisis, the terrorists were killed. They were not done in the same fashion, although the hostages were saved. In Bel Canto, the terrorists allow the hostages to be outside, and one day while they are together, a group of government troops come and shoot all the insurgents, as well as Hosokawa. In the Japanese crisis, a military assault overwhelmed the rebels and forced them to either surrender or be shot and killed. Bel Canto is very much reflected upon the happenings of the Japanese embassy hostage crisis.The similarities of the negotiations between the outside world and the mansions, the motives for invasi on, and the format of how the situations end are all closely related. The book may not have total accuracy of the Lima crisis, although the internal view of the occurrences in the mansion provide a different side of the hostage situation. Works Cited Japanese embassy hostage crisis. † Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Web. 23 Jan. 2013. . Patchett, Ann. Bel Canto. 2005 ed. New York: HarperCollins, 2001. Print.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Environment assessment of Apple Inc Research Paper

Environment assessment of Apple Inc - Research Paper Example According to Porter, the threat of substitutes shapes competition within an industry and unless there is demand for a particular product, substitutes may not have any specific impact (Grundy, 2006). It was observed that although Apple is the most favored company as a retail vendor of tablets, its market shares have gone down significantly due to launch of low cost tablets by the competitors such as, Samsung, Asus and Blackberry. In addition, consumers are shifting towards budget phones with similar software and outlook owing to their declining disposable income (The Wall Street Journal, 2014). Previously, Apple faced low competition level as that of innovation was low; but presently, almost all companies are competing at the same level in terms of software and hardware superiority. There is little product differentiation that Apple can incorporate regarding software, but it can utilize the same strategy that the competitors are applying for hardware. Apple needs to upgrade the hardware features offered within a specific price range; in other words, the consumers must be provided with better product related services without increasing the cost. Bargaining power of buyers According to the Porter’s model, the bargaining power of buyers is determined by the concentration of consumers in an industry, product differentiation, brand identity and price sensitivity (Miller, 1988). The major opportunity lying ahead of Apple is that of capturing the market of emerging economies.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Explain How Electronic Recycling will better the environment as a Annotated Bibliography

Explain How Electronic Recycling will better the environment as a whole - Annotated Bibliography Example Alternatively, other new perspectives of comprehending the implications of electronic recycling continue to emerge because of extensive research (Parsons & Oja, 2013). The writers cite military simulations conducted in the US that currently attempt to reduce equipment damage and physical harm to both soldiers and citizens. Overall, this safeguards the environment because a lot of computer materials are recycled for reuse in the facilitation of communication and surveillance unlike the disposal of such electronic gadgets. Similarly, electronic recycling through computer simulation nurtures potential environmentalists concerned with the total protection of their surrounding irrespective of arising costs. In a symposium conducted by environmentalists and scientists, several issues emerged on the successes and failures of electronic recycling. According to (Zhang, 2011), the development of effective recycling techniques has resulted to the proper use of printed circuit boards (PCBs). This means success has been achieved in recovering hazardous soldering materials to assist in leaching studies. In the same perspective, the safe disposal and treatment of PCBs resin has heralded a novel way of recycling electronic materials. Unfortunately, some organizations continue to violate electronic recycling standards and this hampers success in reducing the organic swelling characterized by PCBs.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A Critique of the United States National Incidenct Management System Essay

A Critique of the United States National Incidenct Management System - Essay Example The NIMS provides for a Communications Unit whose responsibility includes planning radio networks and frequency assignments to insure inter-operability of the communications system. Network management can insure compatibility without producing overlap interference between agencies and networks. The centralized logistics and supply component of NIMS provides for a unified management of all the necessary logistics that are involved in the emergency response. A single source for all supplies will make the supply channels more clear and that should result in reducing response times. They can also establish staging areas and satellite locations as needed to supply outlying victims and response personnel. This approach to material supply has an advantage over the random distribution of food, fuel, and supplies that would exist on a local or regional level. The establishment of a Joint Information Center (JIC) will aid in creating a central information repository. As the information is routed through a central location, it can be assimilated and can help get a better picture and evaluation of a large-scale disaster. Information can be rapidly checked for credibility and disseminated to the interested parties. The JIC can eliminate the breakdown in the public warning system and aid in the assessment of ongoing threats. One of the vulnerabilities of the NIMS structure is its reliance on bureaucratic systems to operate in an ever-changing environment. This organizational model has several drawbacks in its present form.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Knowledge management issues in the new global economic order Essay

Knowledge management issues in the new global economic order - Essay Example At the same time technology is playing a major role in the development and existence of the Trans national companies. The Board, chief executive officers and top level of the management always think about new strategies and systems to maintain the growth and prospects of their organisation. However the growing competitive environment and emergence of new industry houses from developing markets are compelling existing multi national companies to give shape for solid action plan for the long term existence. With the opening up of economies world over the capital flow has now become more free and margins have come down significantly. Most of these companies are now working on shoestring margins or carrying out specific cost saving measures to increase their competitive advantages. The major challenge these companies are facing today is the high competitive advantage for companies in the emerging economies such as India, China, Brazil and other East Asian countries. Companies from these areas have an inherent competitive advantage due to the availability of cheap labour, raw material and skilled human resources. Also these companies have good knowledge of their domestic market, which is now emerging as the largest global market. It is in these geographical areas that a two third of the global population lives. Also companies from these economies are also aggressively entering into the markets in developed world such as United States, European Union and United Kingdom. While they were compelled to decrease the cost of production, it was necessary to improve technology and product quality to sustain in this highly competitive global trade scenario. It is in this scenario that multi national companies are thinking of a new approach for growth. During the post liberalization, globalization and privatization period companies have started to invest heavily on Research and Development and technology. Today technology is playing a major role in the evolution of industrial organizations working in both manufacturing and service sector. They have no choice but undergo drastic change in the organizational structure. When we talk of adapting changes, it is easy to say than practice. For a long time organizations are working in a designed frame work and there will develop an internal inertia against any change from this framework. Employees, shareholders, customers and other stakeholders of the company will view brining in any change in the total working atmosphere and structure of the organization suspiciously. So there should be a keen strategy to win the minds of these stakeholders before introducing any change. In the first part of the 21st century global trade system has seen large number organizational initiatives in a bid to increase competitive power of the organization. It was in this period that the word outsourcing got more attention. It means that companies in developed economies, where cost is higher, will transfer jobs to cost effective emerging economies to increase their competitive strength. Initially most of the outsourcing happened in manufacturing sector. Many multi national companies had shifted their manufacturing facilities to the low cost economies such as China, Korea, Brazil and other south East Asian countries. This was followed by services sector. Here India and Philippines have emerged as new hot destinations due to their English knowledge. Though

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

See Attachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

See Attachment - Essay Example By doing this, they would be assimilated into the American culture. Most of the Cherokee adopted the new culture; most of them learned English and became Christians. They rather preserved some of their cultures and traditions; they included ceremonial dances, and their ball games ritual. Missionaries and the federal agents deemed the Cherokees a great success in the process of adopting the white culture. In 1802, an authorized removal policy began to take place. Presidents Thomas Jefferson government signed an agreement to purchase all the Indian land in Georgia immediately (Theda and Green 2005 p.g10). Creeks and Cherokee occupied much of the land that was claimed by Georgia this land extended to the Mississippi River (present day Alabama and Mississippi). Indian land could only be acquired by the use of treaties with the federal government as the Indian nation was deemed sovereign. In the near the beginning of 1800 the federal government occasionally bribed the southern Indian territories including the Cherokee to signing land treaties. In the treaties, they blindly sold their land and were guaranteed right to keep the remaining land. Cherokees took a bold step to evading the removal. They put together their laws, made a constitution and later on elected John Ross as the principal secretary. Ross joined Charles hick (Theda and Green 2005 p.g13), and Major Ridge in the Cherokee Triumvirate he gained lots of recognition due to his efforts in negotiating the treaty of 1819. New Echota was launched in 1825 as the capital of Cherokee. In the years between 1827 and 1831 the Georgia legislature, unrestricted pushed their jurisdiction to the Cherokee territory and passed laws purposing to close down laws and government of the Cherokees. They even put a motion a procedure to capture the Cherokees’ land and partition it into parcels and

Monday, September 23, 2019

The bad influence of the daily use of technology Essay

The bad influence of the daily use of technology - Essay Example In a fast paced society that characterizes the present age, communication requires speed and brevity due to which message appropriateness and effectiveness have suffered. As a result, a communication effectivity gap has risen which threatens to deteriorate social interactions (McFarlane, 1). Moreover, inter-communication between individuals, peers and families has seen a decline. As a result, the communication crisis has seriously affected social relationships as a result of deteriorating physical interaction, declining patience, augmented exasperation, and plummeting communication skills (Martin, n.pag.). New technology is continuously innovating and occupying a central position in our daily lives, so much that physical interactions have started being put on the backburner. With the changing communication patterns and technological devices, individuals particularly young ones, become so deeply involved in the digital screen that they forget to realize that there is another physical world outside the digital realm. Consequently, in-person interactions and face-to-face communication now seems to be on the verge of obsolescence. Increased gaming, texting, and computing distracts the attention from human individuals to a trivial piece of gadget. As a result, individuals do not get to spend quality time with their friends and families due to which social interaction suffers. The arrival of quicker modes of communication has increased the need to have fast and brief messages. A greater emphasis is now paid on the efficiency of sending and receiving the message rather than the effectiveness of the message. This explains why messages today lack linguistic appropriateness, orderly expressions, and quality. The perception that caring too much about message effectiveness is time consuming inhibits the appropriate impact of the message leading to a communication effectivity gap (McFarlane, 1). Reliance on quicker communication has increased and consequently,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Kafka Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kafka - Essay Example He had 2 brothers who died that affected him so much, but he was blessed with sisters. He was sent to a German school and was not Czech. He speaks much Czech when he was a child but had mastered the German language as he finished school. His mastery of the language is seen in his literary works ( The work of Franz entitled "The Metamorphosis" is one of his remarkable works. Literary works like that of Kafka is an example of heavily influenced by the artist own life struggles and reflection. In the story, the main character was Gregor Samsa a traveling sales man who is already a burnt out of his job. He was torn between his responsibility with his parents about the job he is into and being free to do other things. He was transformed one morning to a bug and woke up late for work. He was suddenly thinking of what was happening to him lately was grieving for the hassles he gets from his work and the relationships he gets from people who only come and go and is always volatile and not intimate and permanent ( Kuper, 2003). The story written by the author is a mere of his own sad life. Franz was linked into many women for one night stands, sex, flirting. There was no such intimate relationship for him before he got married.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Emerson concepts in ‘Kite Runner’ and ‘Giovanni’s Room’ Essay Example for Free

Emerson concepts in ‘Kite Runner’ and ‘Giovanni’s Room’ Essay â€Å"Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members. † (Emerson. 2) Thus we live in a world, where in order to fit we must ‘conform’ but Emerson believes that â€Å"whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist,† (2) and that â€Å"nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. † (2) Self reliance and independence of thought, which are fundamental to Emerson’s perspective, are integral to the understanding and analysis of the characters in ‘The Kite Runner’ (Hosseini, 2003) and ‘Giovanni’s Room’ (Baldwin, 1956). ‘The Kite Runner,’ is a tale of two boys in 1970’s Kabul; growing up amidst discrimination, bigotry and class structure in society – in this case Afghan society Hassan, a Hazara – a minority group of Afghanis who follow Islamic beliefs called Shi’a – although a friend and half-brother, is a lower-class servant to Amir. Amir, a Pushtun – the majority, who believe they are a better class than the Hazara and who follow the Sunn sect of Islam although raised in the same household and sharing the same wet nurse as Hassan, lives in a different sphere of existence. Amir is the legitimate son of Baba, a prominent and wealthy man, whereas Hassan is the illegitimate one and raised by Baba’s servant. Both lost their mothers – Amir at birth and Hassan a week after birth, when she ran â€Å"off with a clan of singers and dancers. † (Hosseini 4) â€Å"For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure,† (Emerson 4) and thus Baba, rather than be subjected to the displeasures of his society, opts to conform to its rules and customs that â€Å"loves not realities and creators, but names and customs,† (Emerson 2) and not reveal that Hassan is his son by a Hazara woman. His justice, or what Emerson characterizes as ‘compensation’ (The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) is the loss of Hassan and his love. This same class difference between Amir and Hassan, largely dictates and limits their relationship. â€Å"It is easy enough for a firm man who knows the world to brook the rage of the cultivated classes,† (Emerson 4) and Hassan, the victim of such discrimination and class structure, remains completely devoted and loyal to Amir, both as his servant and as his friend. He shows his loyalty when he and Amir are terrorized by Assef, â€Å" a word for the creature that Assef was †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢sociopath’ (Hosseini 25-26) who admires Hitler for eliminating the Jews and with whom he aims to emulate by destroying the Hazaras. Hassan stands up to Assef and his friends. Although frightened, he holds â€Å"the slingshot pointed directly at Assef’s face† (Hosseini 28) and shouts â€Å"if you move, they’ll have to change your nickname from Assef the ‘Ear Eater’ to ‘One-Eyed Assef. † (Hosseini 29) Assef, never forgetting a slight, plots revenge. Just as Hassan makes Amirs breakfast, folds his clothes, and cleans his room, so does he cater to Amir in kite tournaments. Even though Hassan shares in the excitement of kite fighting, he does not actually have control over the kite. Hassan may help the kite lift-and-dive, but Amir is the one who claims a victory. Hassan may catch a cherished rival kite and hold it in his arms, but always to bring it back to Amir, to whom it then belongs. His joy is explicit, special, and secondary just like his experience of wealth and privilege while living in Babas household. So it is that Hassan is subjected to rape because of his nonconformity to his position as a Hazara and he relies on himself to â€Å"go alone; to refuse the good models. † (Emerson 5) Assef and his friends attack Hassan after he runs for the ‘blue kite’ but although terrified of what is going to happen to him he claims â€Å"Amir agha won the tournament and I ran this kite for him. I ran it fairly, this is his kite. † â€Å"Amir agha and I are friends. † (Hosseini 50) Hassan is brutely raped by Assef but never gives up the kite and brings it back for Amir. Later, when the Taliban came to â€Å"investigate and interrogated Hassan† (Hosseini 149) and ordered him to leave the house Amir’s father’s house – he again shows his loyalty to Amir by protesting. The Taliban â€Å"ordered him to kneel †¦ and shot him in the back of the head. † (Hosseini 150) Hassan dies because he â€Å"accepted the divine place that providence had† found for him; (Emerson 1) he had violated the social expectations of conformity by favouring â€Å"self reliance †¦ its aversion† (Emerson 2) by standing up to his aggressors in loyalty to Amir. Amir, contrary to Hassan, lacks self trust and conforms totally to society, and although enjoying time spent with Hassan, never really calls him his friend. When confronted with Assef the first time he shows his cowardice by wanting to tell Assef that Hassan is â€Å"not my friend,† â€Å"he’s my servant. † (Hosseini 28) It is ironic that when Hassan stands up for Amir against Assef, and calls him ‘Agha,’ Amir â€Å"wondered briefly what it might be like to live with such an ingrained sense of one’s place in a hierarchy. † (Hosseini 28) Yet he himself lives in such a way as to lose himself – his self worth and reliance by conforming to society and its customs. For many years, Amir feels as though he and Hassan are adversaries for Babas love and he is envious of this, together with Hassan’s abilities: â€Å"Hassan made his stone skip eight times. The most I managed was five†¦ Baba †¦patted Hassan on the back. Even put his arm around his shoulder. † (Hosseini 8-9) Amir greatly desires his father’s acceptance and approval and very seldom receives it. He overhears his father say that â€Å"there’s something missing in that boy† and that he believes â€Å"a boy who won’t stand up for himself becomes a man who can’t stand up to anything. † (Hosseini 15) Amir decides â€Å"there was no other viable option† than to â€Å"win that winter’s tournament,† and ‘run that last kite. † (Hosseini 38) He believes that his â€Å"life as a ghost in this house would finally be over† and that he would show Baba â€Å"once and for all that his son was worthy. † (Hosseini 38) On winning the race, he experiences the â€Å"greatest moment of [his] twelve years of life, seeing Baba on that roof, proud of [him] at last. † (Hosseini 45) Following Hassan, who has gone running for the kite, Amir wants â€Å"to make a grand entrance, a hero, prized trophy in [his] bloodied hands. †(Hosseini 46) He finds Hassan â€Å"standing at the end of a blind alley† (Hosseini 49) blocked by Assef and his two friends. But rather than help Hassan, even after seeing the â€Å"look of the lamb† (Hosseini 53) on Hassan’s face Amir runs, telling himself that â€Å"I was a coward† â€Å"afraid of Assef and what he would do† â€Å"afraid of getting hurt† (Hosseini 53) but in reality it is â€Å"the price [he] had to pay, the lamb [he] had to slay, to win Baba. His reasoning â€Å"He was just a Hazara, wasn’t he? † (Hosseini 54) After the rape, Hassans very existence infuriates and irritates Amir because it reminds him of his cowardice – his guilt. He tries to forget what he has done to Hassan and treats him like a servant instead of a friend; he lies about him being ill â€Å"he’s got a cold or something,† (Hosseini 56) he hits him with ripe pomegranates, he asks his father â€Å"have you ever thought about getting new servants? ’ (Hosseini 61) Finally he frames Hassan for theft and Hassan again takes the blame rather than reveal Amir for what he is. Nothing works however, because he cannot discard his guilt as easily as he can discard Hassan himself. Even after later leaving Afghanistan for America with his father, he is never really able to forget and later he realizes you can bury the past but that it â€Å"claws its way out. † He realizes that he has been â€Å"peeking into that deserted alley† where Hassan was raped â€Å"for the last twenty six years. † (Hosseini 2) After returning to Afghanistan and learning of Hassan’s death and his orphaned son Sohrab, Amir endeavours to right his wrongs – â€Å"there is a way to be good again† (Hosseini 2) by locating Sohrab, who is in fact his nephew. He finds Sohrab in the hands of Assef, now a Talib, and being used as a sexual plaything. This illustration of man’s inhumanity to man, gives evidence to Emerson’s belief, that â€Å"the differences among the members of a race are greater than the differences between races. † (The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Amir must fight and defeat Assef if he is to redeem himself and his past; thus Amir finds his strength of character, the inner strength that he had all along, but believed was somehow missing Emerson’s ‘self reliance’ and ‘trust in himself. ’ Ironically however, it is Sohrab who saves Amir in just the same way as his father Hassan had saved him before – with his slingshot. Amir’s lack of self-acceptance, his desire to win his father’s heart and his envy of Hassan causes him to live his life conforming to an unjust and class conscious society. He places blame on Hassan for the lack of his father’s love and blame on himself for his conformity and the terrible injustice he has caused on Hassan. According to Emerson, one must be able to find a â€Å"blameless living† if they are to be a â€Å"whole man,† (The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) and Amir clearly illustrates his lack of living blamelessly. Just as Hassan was socially alienated, so to is David, in ‘Giovanni’s Room,’ wherein he is faced with a choice between his American fiancee (value set) and his European boyfriend, so ultimately he must grapple with being alienated by the culture that produced him. In other words, does he conform or does he not? Does he be honest with his true self and be reliant on himself? David, unlike Hassan, takes the easy way out and marries Hella. David has been running from himself since his first sexual encounter as a teenager, with Joey, and although he has a profound connection with Joey, he deserts him and spurns his friendship afterwards. In other words, like Amir he conforms rather than live with â€Å"the integrity of his own mind. † (Emerson 2). He becomes what Emerson terms as an ‘imitator’ and lives a life of deceit and denial. Although mixing with the gay crowd, he proclaims his heterosexuality. Later he meets Giovanni and they fall in love. Afraid to commit to Giovanni he has a one night stand with Sue, another American lost in Paris. As with Joey, David deserts Giovanni, whereupon Giovanni goes into a downward spiral and because of lies, false promises, abuse and humiliation he eventually kills and is sentence to death by the guillotine. Giovanni dies because of the people around him; they are envious of his beauty, openness and inward freedom; they pretend to be what they are not ‘imitators’. David remains forever trapped in his own ‘room’, closet, or hell of his irreconcilable identity. (Zaborowska, M. J. 1) He fails in his journey of self-discovery within a society where gender, race and sexuality impacts on national identity. David remains loyal to America, the land of the free but never finds happiness, becoming emotionally dead and hollow, unable to love others, but mostly himself. In summary, we can recognize the lack of Emerson’s concept of self-reliance in the pivotal characters of Amir and Baba in ‘The Kite Runner’ and David in â€Å"Giovanni’s Room,† while at the same time we see evidence of nonconformity to social standards by Hassan and Giovanni. â€Å"High be his heart, faithful his will, clear his sight, that he may in good earnest be doctrine, society, law, to himself. † (Emerson 10) References Baldwin, J. Giovanni’s Room. Dell Publishing, NY. 1956 Emerson, R. W. Essay II Self Reliance 1841 As published on http://www. emersoncentral. com/selfreliance. htm Hosseini, Khaled The Kite Runner courtesy of Shahid Riaz, 2003 http://esnips. com/UserProfileAction. ns? id+ebdaae62-b650-4f30-99a4-376c0a084226 The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Ralhp Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) http://www. iep. utm. edu/e/emerson. htm December 6, 2008 Zaborowska, Magdalena J. University of Michigan. 2003 http://www. litencyc. com/php/sworks. php? rec=trueUID=4964

Friday, September 20, 2019

Financial Accounting Theories: Questions and Answers

Financial Accounting Theories: Questions and Answers In the nature of theory, a positive theory of accounting or Positive Accounting Theory is a descriptive theory, which describes particular aspects of financial accounting practice. It seeks to predict, observe, and explain which accounting methods accountants will or will not use in particular circumstances and why managers and/or accountants elect to adopt particular accounting methods in preference to others. While a normative theory of accounting is a prescriptive theory, which prescribes how accounting should be undertaken. It generates guidance about what accountants should do. It seeks to tell accountants which accounting method in practice is the most efficient or equitable process and hence, which accounting method accountants should use. In the concept of theory, a positive theory of accounting is developed through inductive reasoning that is, through observations. The theory developed is based on observing what accountants do. While a normative theory of accounting is developed through deductive reasoning that is, logical reasoning. The theory developed is based more on the use of logic that is, what accountants should do rather than observation. If a normative theory of financial accounting has been developed to prescribe how we should do financial accounting, is it possible that we can decide to reject the theory because we do not with agree with a central assumption of the theory (such as an assumption about the objective of financial reporting), but at the same time decide that the theory is nevertheless logical? Explain your answer. Yes, we can reject a theory even that the theory is logical. For instance, the capital markets that we use as an assumption are efficient. Besides that, individuals are motivated by self-interest bind together with the wealth maximization. It might lead us to make particular prescriptions about what information organizations should produce. Self-interest means a core belief about what motivates individual action. However, we might consider that the prescriptions provided by the theory are unsound and potentially even negative impact to particular groups within society if we reject these assumptions. In short, we might even to believe that the theory is logically developed. Is the study of financial accounting theory a waste of time for accounting students? Explain your answer. In my opinion, the study of financial accounting theory is not a waste of time for accounting students. In fact, it is important for accounting students to study and understand financial accounting theories. This is because; accounting theories aim to provide a coherent and systematic framework for investigating, understanding and/or developing various accounting practices. The evaluation of individual accounting practices is likely to be much more effective if the person evaluating these practices has a thorough grasp of accounting theory. Without a thorough theoretically informed understanding of accounting, it is difficult to evaluate the suitability of current accounting practices, to develop improved accounting practices where current practices are unsuitable for rapidly changing business situations, and to defend the reputation of accounting where accounting practices are wrongly blamed for causing companies to fail. Hence, the insights from a varied range of accounting theorie s are essential to the process of continual improvement in financial accounting practices. In addition, students of financial accounting will also be required to learn how to construct and read financial statements prepared in conformity with various accounting standards and other professional and statutory requirements. In their working life, whether or not they choose to specialize in accounting, they could be involved in such activities as analyzing financial statements for the purpose of making particular decisions, compiling financial statements for others to read, or generating accounting guidance or rules for others to follow. As such, the better they understand the accounting practices underlying these various activities, the more effective they are likely to be in performing these activities and therefore, the better equipped they are likely to be to succeed in their chosen career. Explain the meaning of the following paragraph and evaluate the logic of the perspective described: In generating theories of accounting that are based upon what accountants actually do, it is assumed (often implicitly) that what is done by the majority of accountants is the most appropriate practice. In adopting such a perspective there is, in a sense, a perspective of accounting Darwinism a view that accounting practice has evolved, and the fittest, or perhaps best, practices have survived. Prescriptions or advice are provided to others on the basis of what most accountants do, the logic being that the majority of accountants must be doing the most appropriate thing. From approximately the 1920s to the 1960s, theories of accounting were normally developed on the basis of observation of what accountants actually did in practice. They were developed by the process referred to as sense. This can be contrasted with a process wherein theories are developed by deductive reasoning which is based more upon the use of logic rather than observation. Besides, returning to the use of observation to develop generalisable theories is based on the common practices which were codified in the form of conventions of accounting after observing what accountants did in practice. These approaches of the theories were adopted by Notable theories, which careful observation of accounting practice revealed patterns of consistent behaviour. For example, it could be observed that accountants tended to be very prudent in measuring both revenues and expenses. Where judgement was necessary it was observed that accountants usually underestimated revenues and overstated expenses. The result was a conservative measure of profit. Similarly, it could be observed that accountants behaved as if the value of money, which was the unit of account, remained constant. These observations of accounting practice led to the formulation of a number of hypotheses such as that where judgement is needed, a conservative procedure is adopted and that it is assumed that the value of money remains constant. These hypotheses were confirmed by many observations of the behaviour of accountants. While there was a general shift towards prescriptive research in the 1960s, some research of an inductive nature still occurs. Research based on the inductive approach has been subject to many criticisms. For example, Gray, Owen and Maunders (1987, p. 66) state that studying extant practice is a study of what is and, by definition does not study what is not or what should be. It therefore concentrates on the status quo, is reactionary in attitude, and cannot provide a basis upon which current practice may be evaluated or from which future improvements may be deduced. What role do values judgments have in determining what particular accounting theory a researcher might elect to adopt to explain or predict particular accounting phenomena? Value judgements have a major power to make with what theory a researcher might elect to use to explain or predict particular phenomena. These indicate that, we must consider the particular accounting theory researchers might use to explain the companies elect to produce information about their social and environmental performance. In case, I believed that company managers are motivated by self-interest. At that time, I would embrace a Positive Accounting Theory. A Positive Accounting Theory has self-interest as one of the fundamental assumptions about what drives human behaviour. These people would have a trend towards believing that all human activity. The activities include the disclosure of social and environmental information. This means that, it is undertaken to the limits that the activity can be related back to positively impacting the managers wealth. Besides, it typically requires people of current generations to offer current consumption to extent it is in the interests of future generations if I was a researcher who holds a vision of sustainable development. In this way, I would reject Positive Accounting Theory as self-interest and sustainable development are to mutually exclusive. For example, researcher would embrace another theoretical perspective such as legitimacy theory. However, there are no researchers in the area of social and environmental accounting enfolds Positive Accounting Theory although it is interesting to note that. Marks and Spencer: Human Resource Management Marks and Spencer: Human Resource Management Company Profile MS made a humble beginning as a single market stall; and have grown to become one of the UKs leading retailers of clothing, food, home products and financial services. MS employs 68,000 employees over 30 countries, has more than 500 stores and cater tens of millions of customers each and every week. MS is committed to provide superior quality products and that too at attractive prices. MSs turnover is  £8 billion. Values Success story of MS has been built on a number of core company values that have remained almost unchanged. These values are: Quality   Delivering excellent standards consistently. Value   Delivering exceptional value to customers. Innovation   Need to continue to be at the forefront of innovation in both general merchandising and food. Trust   The most trusted retailer. MS have a proud heritage of staff welfare, customer care and involvement in the community. Service   They are committed to deliver the best services to customers. Valued   Employees contribution to the business is rewarded. Fairly treated   Employees are respected and valued, whoever they are. Proud   Employees take pride in everything they do. Committed   To delivering great customer service. Involved   Employees are informed of new developments and kept up-to-date with the progress of the company. Challenged   Employees challenge each other constructively every day and work at full potential. From the above mentioned points it is clear that quality of Human Capital at MS forms the basis of their values. Its all about creating a working environment that encourages people to add to their skills, and where theyre provided with everything they need to achieve their potential. (Belinda, HR Head, MS) HR Policies and Rules: Service Rules: Promotion Policy Rules: Any opportunities for promotion are open to all and depend on ability, skills and experience. Wage Structure: Each job is positioned within a reward level according to level of responsibility and market value. This enables MS to: Provide competitive salaries for each job taking into account market rates. Reward everyone according to their contribution. Payment is by BACS (Bankers Automated Clearing System) so it goes straight into employees account. How pay is calculated If a person is on an hourly rate of pay, monthly pay is calculated as follows: Store administered employees (Hourly rate x minimum agreed weekly committed hours x 52.25)/12 Head Office administered employees (Hourly rate x minimum agreed weekly committed hours x 52)/12 For those on an annual salary, the calculation is: Annual salary/12 * The Company reserves the right to suspend pay where an employee fails to notify about absence from work. Employee motivation welfare schemes: Reward Policies Marks Spencer believes in sharing its progress and profitability and reward accordingly. They offer a range of benefits which are service-related, so they build up as service of an employee increases. Each element of the benefits package is reviewed regularly to ensure it remains competitive and maintains Marks Spencer as a leading employer. Some of them are: Employee Discount Car Allowance Healthcare Offers MS offers following healthcare options to all monthly paid employees and their partners: Private health insurance Dental plan insurance Hospital Saving Association (HSA). Travel Expenses Travel is an integral part of work for many people. Marks Spencer offers travel options and expenses so employees can travel in a secure and comfortable manner. Social Activities The Company provides a grant each year for sports and social activities which are organised at business unit/store level. Freeshares Sharesave Schemes Sharesave allows to save tax-free for three to five years and at the end of that period employee can buy Marks Spencer shares at a specially discounted price. Season Ticket Loans Catering They provide a subsidised catering service for all employees. Lifestyle Options MS provides following options and benefits: Flexible working Including a range of options: part-time working, job sharing, term-time working Unpaid special leave up to nine months. If an employee have two years continuous service and the timing fits with the operation of the business , he can take up to nine months unpaid leave. Paid special leave In case of serious personal difficulties, e.g. where a child is hospitalized. Unpaid leave up to 48 hours. Political appointments If an employee has a minimum of five years service, a break of five years is available for all who are wishing to become candidates for any UK or European parliament or assembly. Public duties/involvement in local community In case of any other public duties to attend, an employee can speak to his line manager for adjustments. Justice of the Peace or school governor If an employee intends to become, a Justice of the Peace or school governor, adjustments are made in the working hours. Armed Forces Volunteer Services Offer a period of paid leave to volunteers and ex-service men and women who are required to go on annual training exercises. Confidential helpline A 24-hour confidential support service which help employees to manage stress, personal, traumatic or financial issues which are affecting their attendance or performance at work. Maternity, Adoption, Paternity and Parental Leave entitlements. IVF Provide support if an employee or his/her partner is having IVF treatment. Fostering Support is provided if an employee is considering to become a foster parent. Health safety rules: MS is committed to ensure the health, safety and well being of all its employees, customers and others who visit or work in their premises. MS Policy on Health and Safety includes: The Health Safety Committee It advises on health safety policy, monitors its effectiveness and reviews key performance measures on a quarterly basis. The information is provided by the Fire, Health Safety Officer Network Groups which also meet quarterly. Information from each location is exchanged with Fire, Health Safety Officers at Business Involvement Group Meetings (BIG). The Store/Site Manager The Store/Site Manager is responsible for ensuring with Fire, Health Safety Officer that Company Health Safety Policy is implemented. This includes: Suitable Induction and Legislative Update training for Fire, Health Safety. The prevention, investigation and the reporting of accidents. The completion of ongoing Risk Assessments and maintenance of known hazard information. The Fire, Health Safety Officer (FHSO) He assists the Managers and works closely with the Central Retail Operational Support Fire, Health Safety team. Business Involvement Groups (BIGs) It represents all employees in a two way communication. They discuss health safety policy, performance and implementation as an agenda item at each meeting and update the business through the FHSO Networks. Retail Operational Support Group This group is responsible for determining and monitoring the Fire, Health Safety Risk Assessments, work practices and enforcement measures. Property, Development and Facilities Management They are responsible for the provision of working areas, equipment and materials that are safe and dont pose any risk to health. Occupational Health Services Under this, they provide advice and support to line managers on managing the impact of work on health, and health on work. It creates to safe, secure and pleasant working environment for employees. Training and development:  Personal Development Learning career development MS is committed to develop its employees into skilled, customer-focused, enthusiastic and motivated employees. They do this through training, developing the necessary skills and knowledge to perform effectively and fulfill potential. An employee is equally responsible for learning and development. One should actively identify training and development needs by recognising strengths and weaknesses. Proper formal training consisting of coaching and practical on-the-job experience, supported by a wide range of learning resources is provided. Training is given as and when required e.g. the implementation of new systems. Employees with disabilities MS help disabled employees to realise their full potential and provide them with the same career prospects and promotional opportunities that are available to all employees. In addition, they are provided with the retraining, rehabilitation and reasonable adjustments for those who become disabled during the course of working life. Review of performance Line managers review performance continually in order to assess how a particular employee is doing. It helps employee in assessing themselves and look for further development. Managing Diversity: Marks Spencer have a diverse range of employees and are committed to an active Equal Opportunities Policy. This doesnt just cover recruitment and selection procedures, but runs right through training and development, appraisal, promotion opportunities and eventually to retirement. MS is highly dedicated and committed to promote an environment free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation and work hard to ensure everyone is offered equality of opportunity to achieve their full potential. All the decisions are objective, free from bias and based solely upon work criteria and individual merit.   Highlights of Equal Opportunities Policy are: Promote a working environment free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation on the basis of: gender, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, gender reassignment race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, hours of work religious or political beliefs disability age Adequate concern is shown towards individuals personal circumstances and the needs of the business in order to find solutions to such issues. Reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that disabled workers or applicants are not placed at a substantial disadvantage by a practice or policy that exists at MS. Proper help is provided to people with disability or who have learning difficulty to complete the application process online and also in telephone assessment.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay example --

Maximiliano Rubà ­n y Mauricia la Dura son para mi los dos personajes mà ¡s dinà ¡micos y fascinantes de toda la novela Fortunata y Jacinta. He elegido escribir este trabajo final sobre los sueà ±os y los ensueà ±os de los dos. Los sueà ±os dicen mucho sobre el mundo galdosiano; a travà ©s de los sueà ±os de Maximiliano y Mauricia, uno se puede entender mejor al mundo en que viven y tener una ligera sensacià ³n de lo que va a pasar mà ¡s adelante en la novela. Ver dentro de las subconciencias de los personajes revela mucho en pocas palabras. Analizarà © los significados posibles de los sueà ±os y hablar de las causas para que sueà ±an lo que sueà ±an Maximiliano y Mauricia.  ¿Quà © es un sueà ±o? Yo lo veo cà ³mo un recreo para la mente. Durante la noche el cerebro se puede estirarse y reflexionar sobre los acontecimientos del dà ­a anterior. Benito Pà ©rez Galdà ³s nos enseà ±a que dentro de su libro Fortunata y Jacinta, el sueà ±o es un reflejo de un mundo que està ¡ debajo de la superficie humana, escondido. Es un reflejo de la subconciencia. Maximiliano Rubà ­n lo llama â€Å"la inspiracià ³n poà ©tica† (Galdà ³s, Parte IV, cap. V, sec. II) mientras que el narrador de la novela describe la subconciencia cà ³mo â€Å"el inconmensurable hueco de la mente humana† (Galdà ³s, Parte II, cap. VI, sec. IX). Los sueà ±os de Fortunata y Jacinta tienen una gran importancia por varias razones. Los sueà ±os representan las manifestaciones mà ¡s fuerte del inconsciente en la novela. Lo que no està ¡ muy claro es lo que pasa dentro del inconsciente de un personaje. Podrà ­a ser que el sueà ±o es un recurso de la psique para ponderar los deseos reprimidos durante la vigilia; a lo mejor el sueà ±o intenta resolver problemas no resueltos del pasado (â€Å"La Voz Del Anima† 501). De todas maneras, està ¡ bien ejempli... ...rifà ©rico de Mauricia. Con respecto a los sueà ±os, Galdà ³s quiere proveer toda la informacià ³n necesaria del sueà ±o, mientras asegurar que el lector esta al tanto con los tejemanejes del entorno. Los personajes mà ¡s afectados por los sueà ±os son los personajes mà ¡s desesperados (Ribbans). Estos personajes, incluyendo a Maximiliano y Mauricia, son los mà ¡s afectados porque las conexiones entre sus conciencias y sus subconciencias son muy abiertas y activas. Para ellos, es fà ¡cil dejar que un sueà ±o infecta la vigilia y altera la realidad. La diversidad en el estilo de narrar y la mucha informacià ³n suplementaria proveà ­do para entender a los sueà ±os, el lector puede investigar e interpretar el mundo galdosiano de esta novela en muchà ­simas maneras distintas. Debido a la imaginacià ³n inmensa de Galdà ³s y sus personajes, los sueà ±os de Fortunata y Jacinta son divertidos e informativos.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Prison: Inside and Out Essay -- Criminal Justice

Freedom in any society is a condition that is directly correlated to the compliance of society’s rules, regulations, and laws. This right afforded to citizens under the constitution is surrendered by those who choose to disregard and trample on the set of standards and behavior needed for a society to maintain order and avoid anarchy. When loss of freedom is the tool used to punish this segment of society, prisons become the instrumentality used to carry out the various freedom restrictions under the law for each individual. Citizens who find themselves incarcerated in prison will be exposed to an entirely different environment than those in free society. In addition, there is a psychological impact on those being reintroduced into society after having completed long-term sentences, an impact many believe contribute to the high recidivism rates in the United States. The criminal justice system with all of its connected inner workings may not address all of the concerns inside and out of our current prison system, but just as we have improved on our prisons from the past, we will continue to improve and implement new techniques and design precise programs in our future prisons. The saying, crime does not pay, probably held more significance a century ago when the judicial system and prison officials focused on the idea that severe punishment was the best deterrent to crime. Punishment in prisons was more than just loss of freedom, it involved chain gangs, hard-labor, the hole, and other inhumane treatment designed to ward off the would be criminals and beat the current criminals into submission. Today, Jeremy Bentham’s theory that punishment must outweigh the benefits of crime is addressed only through loss of freedoms. Prison... ...I Law Enforcement Bulletin: Coley, R. J., & Barton, P. E. (2006). Lock Up and Locked Out: An Educational Perspective on the U.S. Prison Population. Princeton New Jersey: Policy Evaluation and Research Center. Retrieved April 28, 2012, from Hanson, D. J. (2010). Effectiveness of D.A.R.E. Retrieved from Alcohol Problems and Solutions: McDonnell, B.. (2011). Improving Public Safety through Prisoner Reentry Programs. Ripon Forum, 45(2), 6-7. Retrieved April 29, 2012, from ProQuest Social Science Journals. (Document ID: 2387305821). Seiter, R. P. (2011). Corrections an Introduction. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Education.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bill Gates :: William H. Gates III Biography Essays

Bill Gates Bill Gates, cofounder of the Microsoft corporation, holds 30.7 percent of its stock making him one of the richest people in the United States. He was the marketing and sales strategist behind many of Microsoft's software deals. Their software became the industry standard in the early 1980s and has just increased in distribution as the company has grown, so much that the Federal government is suggesting that Microsoft has violated Sherman and Clayton antitrust acts. Bill Gates' first interest in computers began at Lakeside, a private school in Seattle that Gates attended. There he wrote his "first software program when I was thirteen years old. It was for playing tic-tac-toe"(Gates 1). It was at Lakeside that Gates met Paul Allen, who later became cofounder with Gates of Microsoft. There they became friends and "began to mess around with the computer"(Gates 2). Back in the sixties and early seventies computer time was expensive. "This is what drove me to the commercial side of the software business"(Gates 12). Gates, Allen and a few others from Lakeside got entry-level software programming jobs. One of Gates early programs that he likes to brag about was written at this time. It was a program that scheduled classes for students. "I surreptitiously added a few instructions and found myself nearly the only guy in a class full of girls"(Gates 12). In 1972 Intel released their first microprocessor chip: the 8008. Gates attempted to write a version of BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) for the new Intel chip, but the chip did not contain enough transistors to handle it. Gates and Allen found a way to use the 8008 and "started Traf-O-Data, a computer traffic analysis company"(Clayton 452) It worked well however, marketing their new machine proved to be impossible. "No one actually wanted to buy the machine, at least not from a couple teenagers"(Gates 14). Gates and Allen had more less successful endeavors in starting a software company. In 1974 Intel announced their new chip: the 8080. The two college students sent off letters "to all the big computer companies, offering to write them a version of BASIC for the new Intel chip. We got no takers"(Gates 15). While at Harvard, the cool thing to do was to slack off on classes for most of the semester and try and see how well the student could do at the end. Steve Ballmer and Gates "took a tough graduate- level economics course together- Economics 2010.

Monday, September 16, 2019


Intimidation is not an appropriate teaching method. Rosemary Parker, the author of the essay that we read in class, doesn? t think being mean and embarrassing is an effective way to teach. She thinks when people are intimidated they have more trouble learning. She says ? in any other scenario, it is not tolerated.? Only in coaching, is intimidation an acceptable method of teaching to most people. I agree that intimidation is not an appropriate teaching method with children. Children are too The Intimidating Female(Bible) The Intimidating Female in Genesis In the narrative in the book of Genesis, there are two main objectives.The first is a general goal to create a complex world †¦ young to be motivated by intimidation. Intimidation would only make a child react in a negative way. Why would we want our children go threw more than we would want to go threw ourselves? Intimidation is not appropriate in the work environment. Bosses aren? t aloud to scream and imbarress there employe es. There are rules and regulations that protect workers from bosses who intimidate. She supports her claims by explaining that other coaches are worst than her daughters. ?There is a The Intimidating Female In GenesisThe Intimidating Female in Genesis In the narrative in the book of Genesis, there are two main objectives. The first is a general goal to create a complex world designed †¦ coach at a neighborhood school who takes it right down to a foot stamping, bleacher-kicking tirade. And the boys get it worse than the girls. A band instructor preparing for competition screams threats of what will happen unless more precision is achieved, using words that shock even those kids whose language is an adolescent shade of blue.? She talks about other more serious situations and how not even they use intimidation. Not even the armed forces buys the old stress shity A message from Carlos†¦ David C. Amarasinghe Block 1-B Biology January 11, 2000 Quest: Cellular C’s Hola Am igos! Me llamo Carlos Plast, but my friends †¦ routine anymore, and drill instructors have been told to cool it a bit.? She says that the ? coach is cruel and intimidating. His behavior is very abusive.? She explains that it is everywhere in coaching and we allow it. ?The coach can yell at the little kids but not at the grown up referee.? She explains a lot about how

Note-Taking Method

Any assignment that requires you to do research, will require you to take notes. The notetaking method you adopt is purely a personal decision. With the development of technology, there are more different methods used to take notes. In term of the media people applys, we can discuss three types of methods: handwriting, electronic note-taking, and copying materials. The handwriting method is a traditional way which takes much time and requires the audience listen to the speaker carefully. When writing the notes word by word on the spot, the audience may get much pressure and feel more tired, it demands them to focus on every words the speaker said, then pick up the points to write down. But th audience may learn more useful information at the same time, the efficiency is much higher. For example, the teacher is giving a lesson in the classroom, he lists some important points, and the students should listen to the teacher carefully, handwriting the notes. Electronic method is a new way coming to the note-taking world with the help of technology, including recording, taking photos, and so on. Pens, notebooks are coming to be replaced by voice recorders, camera, MP3, mobile phone and other electronic products. By this way, what the audience need to do is just recording in the beginning of the lecture, or take photos about some points in the blackboard and the Powerpoint. It reduces the burden of audience, and more convenient. However, it is difficult to require the audience to listen to the speaker carefully, they don't need to grasp any points, they can do other things at the same time, just remember taking their electronic goods. A company invites an expert to give a lecture to its employees, he talks about some important thesis. The employee may record this speech and take some photos, which is enough for most of them. Copying materials means the audience may do nothing in the lecture, but they copy the speaker's materials, or other audience's notes after the lecture. They may choose to just listen to the speaker carefully, or pay litter attention to the whole lecture. This way is gradually adopted by some audience, especially when the lecture is tedious in their mind. There is litter burden for the audience, but also less gains. Because they may lose some important points, and the opportunity to experience with the speaker. From what we have discussed above, we may get a result is: no pains, on gains. We can't deny the benefits brought by the technology, but we should learn to how to exploit them in right way. I prefer to handwrite notes, because I think it can motivate the audience to listen to the lecture carefully and learn how to pick up points.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Case Study Essay

If I could describe McDonald’s business strategy in one word, I would definitely say ‘smart’. And I mean that in the best-rounded way. I very strongly agree with McDonald’s CEO, Steve Easterbrook, when he says, â€Å"If you get the people right, the rest will follow†. I believe that it is all a domino effect in the way an organization works; happy employees make for better production. McDonalds has proven itself as a good employer because of its five â€Å"people principles† that focus on keeping the employee happy and comfortable first and foremost. I think that they are successful because of the way they hire their employees. Because McDonalds strives for excellent service and quality, they work hard at finding the correct employees and retaining them, thus creating an experienced and capable taskforce. 2. McDonalds has aligned its business, human resource, and staffing strategies by connecting all three of these fields to one main source: the employees. By raising its hiring standards, McDonalds has hired, trained, and retained employees that are enthusiastic about giving their all to the customer. 3. Some possible talent-related threats that could eat away at McDonald’s competitive advantage would be when their teenage employees are ready to move on to other companies where they can build a career. Higher turnover would definitely be a problem for all companies, not just McDonalds. I don’t believe a tight labor market in which it is difficult to find talented people would be a problem for McDonalds because you don’t have to be highly educated or have any educational qualifications to work at the company. To maintain its competitive advantage over the next five years, I recommend that McDonalds simply continue doing what they are doing. They look for all the ri ght qualities and potential in their employees, so I believe they will always be successful on the ‘people part’.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Business Regulation Law

When conducting business whether it is local and global, big or small organizations have to abide by state and federal laws. Depending on the nature of the business different organization has to comply with certain laws and regulations. For example, retailers like Wal-Mart, Target and Kroger have to comply with the Department of Labor and a manufacturing company like LM Fiberglass and Toyota would have to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). When an organization do not comply with the state and federal regulation the company can face fines or become caught up in major litigation, costing the company major expenses. In this memo I will identify common tort and risk found in the organization of Alumina, and describe different measures to manage risk. Some common torts found at Alumina are negligence, defamation/slander/libel, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and strict liability is tort liabilities uncovered. Alumina Violation Alumina is an aluminum maker base in the United States and has operation in eight countries. The aluminum maker is on Lake Dira in the state of Erehwon. Alumina is under the jurisdiction of region six under the Environmental Protection Agency. A few years ago Alumina was found in violation with the Environmental Protection Agency for environmental discharge norms in an Environmental Protection Agency compliance evaluation. The PAH levels were above prescribe limits. Alumina was order to clean up the problem in which they complied too quickly. Because of this incident Alumina has maintain a good compliance record. Recently a resident name Kelly Bates claims that Alumina continuous contamination of Lake Dira with pollutants. Bates threatens to file a suit against the company for punitive damages and recovery damages. She believes that the incident that occurred several years ago is the cause of her daughter’s leukemia. Tort Liability A tort is a â€Å"civil wrong that is an interference with someone’s person or property such that an injury results† (Jennings, 2006, p. 367). Torts can be categorized as intentional torts, torts of negligence, and strict liability torts. Intentional torts are those that result in a harm not accidental. Torts of negligence are accidental harms that result from a failure to act appropriately in a given situation. Strict liability torts assign absolute liability and offer very few defenses. Defamation of Character A company or a person reputation is a valuable asset. The tort of defamation of character requires that a plaintiff prove that: the defendant made an untrue statement about the plaintiff or the statement was intentionally published by a third party (Cheeseman, 2010). Written False statements are referred to as libel and verbal statement are referred to as slander. Bates made a libel statement in the newspaper about Alumina and the violation that occurred years ago. This defamation can have a negative effect on the company. Alumina can lose business with a bad reputation and once the reputation has gone sour it is hard to reclaim the good name. Freedom of Information Act A local news reporter and Kelly Bates approached the EPA to obtain environmental audit reports that documented Alumina violation of the Clean Water Act. Bates requested the documents under the Freedom of Information Act; this act was enacted in Congress in 1966 to the American public great access to the Federal Government records (Federal Communication Commission, 2010) . The Company chooses to release partial audit information from the violation from years ago. Alumina has the right to withhold informational this qualifies under the Confidential Business Information, which is available under exemption four of the Freedom of information Act. Strict liability Negligence and Strict liability Negligence, the most common tort, is explained as conduct that falls below standards of behavior established by the law for the protection others against unreasonable risk harm (Cheeseman, 2010). In this case of negligence Bates must prove that Alumina had a duty to keep the PAH levels contained. In a case Alumina breaches that duty by not staying in compliance with the EPA regulation several years ago. Bates assumes that the consumption of the water cause the harm of her daughter to have leukemia. In response Alumina chose to conduct an independent site study for new violations. The reports come back good the PAH levels were well below the standard. After releasing a partial audit report Bates has threaten to file a lawsuit against Alumina of personal injury to recover compensation and punitive damages. Alumina negligent conduct of â€Å"serious violation of environmental laws five years ago is the cause of her daughter leukemia,† alleged by Bates (Business Regulations Simulation, 2010). The best resolution for this situation is mediation by a neutral third party, by choosing this options Alumina can provide Bates with a confidential settlement. The settlement includes that Alumina provides Bates with reimbursement of medical expenses for her daughter treatment a lump sum for future treatments and a college fund set aside if her daughters recovers from the leukemia (Business Regulations Simulation, 2010). Although tort liability is founded on intended harm strict liability is attached even though the defendant has been reasonable. In the Article titled â€Å" The American Influence on Canadian Tort Law† author Allen M. Linden states â€Å" One person may be require to compensate another for injury or damages even though the loss was neither intentionally or negligently inflicted. If Alumina had taken the case to court, the company would have been in a long litigation process costing the company thousands and even millions of dollar. The mediation process is half the cost of a court trial and there is no guarantee that the jury would agree with Alumina even though the company may have had proof that the allegation against the company was false. The jury tends to side with the victims. Preventative, Detective, and Corrective Measures In an organization it will be hard to prevent allegation against the company, but the company needs to prepare for such issues when they arise. A preventative plan should be put into place. The company should make it a priority that the employees of the company aware of the rules and regulations of the state and federal laws. The company should be aware of the competitors who have violated any government regulations and improve their process so that the company will not violate the same regulations as the competition. Health risk that may be exposes to the staff, customers, and other should be included in the document also. Conclusion Alumina has to abide by state and federal rules these laws are in place to improve environmental safety. The agency that regulates Alumina was the Environmental Protection Agency this agency enforces environmental laws. Alumina has to be aware and comply with the state and federal regulations at all-time or it can affect the business a great deal. Maintaining a positive image in the community is also important when a crisis occurs the support of the community can be a big help in determine issues. The decision mage by Alumina were wise, the company took the right approach to maintain its good name in the community and the competitive market and save cost on litigation.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Career Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Career Plan - Essay Example The third stage involves a decision making process, where an individual has to choose a particular career specialization from a variety of options. Lastly, an individual needs to formulate an action plan and ensure that they execute the provision of the plan in consideration of the stipulated period (Perry, Nancy, & Zark, p. 22). The career enables individuals to ensure the creation of an effective financial management system for companies through the provision of consultation services. It also enables individuals to acquire entrepreneurial skills that enable them to become job creators rather than job seekers. A career in accounting involves the collection, processing, and presentation of financial information. This occurs through the preparation of accounting reports that aid the management of an organization, as well as the stakeholders in decision-making. The career involves the ability to carry out an independent audit on the financial statements of a particular organization to determine their true and fair view. It also involves the ability to perform taxation computations for different organizations for purposes of tax advice and filling of tax returns. This paper gives a career plan for a successful career in the accounting field. It gives the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses that determines the level of career success. It also analyzes the formulated goals and objectives and the process that ensures their accomplishment. This paper also gives a projection of an ideal state in five years’ time. This shows the focus and objectives put in place for the achievement of a successful career. It also gives a projection of the most likely state in five years’ time. It is evident that most individual do not achieve their plan due to several factors that becomes the reality of the matter. Lastly, there is the formulation of an action plan that gives the necessary steps that could minimize the difference between the gap of the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Marriage Equality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Marriage Equality - Research Paper Example nterparts of a Christian Religion (The Seventh-Day Adventist and the Roman Catholic) based on their opinions and insights about marriage equality that the LGBT people take as their major concern. The theological views of the two specific religions of Christianity would be explored. Therefore, the study could find out who among the religious groups have brought changes and decisions for the marriage equality bringing along the reputation of Christianism. It has been emphasized in the church manual of the Seventh - day Adventist religion that the couples for marriage should be heterosexual partners (Seventh-Day Adventist, 2005). According to Cook (2012), the Seventh-Day Adventist is opposed to same-sex marriage. This is also relative to their views that majority of the people to lesbians, gays, bisexual, and transgenders (LGBT) are mostly perceived as anti-Christ or atheist (Cook, 2012). Therefore, it could be that this kind of perception made the adventist church to totally block the LGBT with their rights to marry their same-sex partners. Moreover, the constricted faith of the Seventh-day Adventist church to their sacred scriptures made them to forbid the modern issue to agree the terms for marriage equality. The Seventh-day Adventists claim that people are the apples in the eye of God, a supernatural being with an omnipresent soul (â€Å"Stances of Faiths on LGBT Issues†, 2012). Therefore, every individual is essential to God wherein every person would be bestowed with the fresh and spirit of God that is considered as holy. Human bodys flesh and soul must be filled with the sacredness of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enlivens every being, and it is the duty of a man to take good care of his body and soul for an everlasting life. A man and a woman must make a righteous deed of taking how his body must be holy because the Adventists or any living Christian believe that the body is a temple of God. They also believe that a man and a woman is created in the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Do Mobile Applications Creat Faster Interfaces than Mobile Website Essay

Do Mobile Applications Creat Faster Interfaces than Mobile Website Design - Essay Example The two popular ways of accessing websites are mobile applications and mobile website design. The website design is a site that can re-design itself to fit various sizes of devices e.g. phones, tablets, desktops and others. An application is a program meant to accomplish a goal; it is downloaded by the user for use (Duckett 43). The design process involves the use of software to design a site. A two dimensional plane is used to help the creator imagine a site. The creator then defines actions to guide visitors of the site or app. The next step is to choose and mix colors and test the site (Myers 92). When creating the applicationWhen the application was used by a volunteer, it was found that the app provided a faster interface than the website. The browsing process was fast. The reason behind this is the fact that the application uses mainly UI elements. This means the application uses the data necessary only. This process saves on time. However, a complaint raised by the volunteer was that the application took a long time to launch. The time taken to launch the application will have to be reduced to increase efficiency. Maintenance of the app requires that it is frequently updated to keep up with new information relevant to the company or institution. Below is a screenshot of the coding

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Business statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business - Statistics Project Example In order to test the hypothesis, the significance level chosen was 0.05 while for constructing confidence interval a 95% confidence level was chosen. The data gathered through random sampling is attached in the Appendix. Since the sample size is large the independent sample t test was conducted for hypothesis testing assuming equal variances. The results showed that that the sample represented the population in a true manner while the hypothesis testing provided that there is no significant difference between male and female students in the IQ levels. The correlation between intelligence and gender has passed through several distinct phases. During the 19th century, when general adult suffrage was a social and political issue in some parts of the world, intelligence and gender was considered a topic of great interest for studying. Since, many proposed it as a requirement for allowing of suffrage that both male and female should have equal level of intelligence. Moreover, historically women were not allowed to excel in academics and were kept within the houses to perform domestic chores. The topic had remained under investigation since ages due to the social differences that prevailed between male and female and so has been incorporated in the study. Explorations on biological gender differences within the context of human psychology attempt to investigate the behavioral and cognitive differences between males and females. Such research makes use of experimental testing of cognition in diverse forms. These tests are based on the potential differences that may exist in areas like spatial reasoning, IQ, spatial reasoning, emotion, aggression, brain structure and its operation. Amongst the investigators around the world, it has always remained a challenging aspect whether intelligence has any correlation with gender differences. While investigating the differences of level of intelligence amongst

Monday, September 9, 2019

French Revolution and Napoleon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

French Revolution and Napoleon - Essay Example The first and most important way in which he differed from the revolutionaries was that his idea of civil liberties was quite different from the ideals supported by them. He imposed strict controls over the press, used spying tactics on his own people to look for enemies within and even though he had made a civil code, he arrested people without having real causes and sent his enemies to jail without bringing proper charges or having trials (Spielvogel, 2005). In this manner, his actions were closer to the monarchical system than revolutionary equality. This violation of rights continued as he revoked the Declaration of the Rights of Man and established a system of hereditary privilege which would essentially bring back monarchy to the country and its various principalities. The brothers of Napoleon were made the rulers of areas such as Spain, Holland, Warsaw, and Switzerland. His best generals were given hereditary titles which made them immediate members of the nobility in France (Spielvogel, 2005). This was certainly a departure from the ideals of the revolution but Napoleon could do it because he was a dictator and he remained popular. In terms of religion, while the revolutionaries sought to break away from religion in all possible ways including changing the calendar and the number of days in a week, Napoleon saw no such need for removing the presence of the church from France. He made deals with the Catholic Church which allowed him to consolidate his power and give some concessions to the church at the same time. Of course, he did not snatch the land from the bourgeoisie to give back to the church but he did establish a system under which priests became government servants so they could receive a stipend from the national treasury to support their activities (Spielvogel, 2005). Â  

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Terrorists and internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Terrorists and internet - Essay Example By creating web pages or blogs on internet and fan pages on social networking websites, they can promote their hateful notions. This creates a negative impact on the young minds as they may be lured towards their ideology .Secondly internet is a huge source of information with most of it easily available and accessible. This information includes maps of important locations like airports, and secret government documents that can be hacked from a government website. This information can then be used to plan out an attack on important sites to destabilize the country. Furthermore, internet connects the members of the terrorist organizations around the world; hence terrorists use it as a medium of planning and coordination. With the encrypted messaging system and the multitude of internet users, it is extremely hard to spot their activity and internet therefore becomes the safest means of communication for them (Weimann, 2005). The use of internet by terrorists has increased so much that it poses a threat to security of people and the country. Even though it is the right of people to have privacy in their communication, they should be cooperative and support the government in their actions of monitoring the cyber space because ultimately it is for the greater good of the society (Ingram, 2001) Works Cited Ingram, M. (2001, September 24). Internet privacy threatened following terrorist attacks on US.